
Rampart is a mini-modular synth and experimental box built around the Arduino Nano or the slightly faster and better equipped LGT8F328P – LQFP32.


The kit can be purchased for 58 Euros and the completed build for 90 Euros. See below for the kit contents. If you are more comfortable with online stores, it’s available at https://tonetoys.etsy.com and at https://www.tindie.com/stores/poetaster/

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Rampart is designed to allow you to build synths that can be controlled with CV input or produce CV. It has audio/clk input and output, the input being pocket operator compatible. The kit includes a lgt8f328p which has slightly better features than the original Arduino Nano.

I’ve been making the original variant for years as a means to creating small synths to interact with other small synths like bastl’s Kastle. And of course, my own Keep.

The kit includes:

  • lgt8f328p compatible with the Arduino Nano
  • 3 pots, adc
  • 1 encoder w/button
  • 1 analog filter/volume pot
  • 5 Pot Knobs
  • 2 buttons
  • 1 LED
  • tactile switch w/LED
  • CV inputs (analog)
  • header for a SSD1306 display
  • audio/clock in, pocket operator compatible
  • audio out(wired stereo for headphones)
  • Custom female headers - 2 pins - 10 pins
  • four rubber feet to bolt on, most important
  • 12 mini jumper cables of various lengths and color (no pictured but included)



  • Several Mozzi based synths, always WIP. FM, Wavepacket and PD resonant voices.
  • A bytebeat synth with CV inputs and more than 60 formulas.
  • A number of other non-mozzi synth examples.

Open Hardware/ Software Sources includes several versions as fritzing files, and a folder of different firmware, mozzi and timer PWM driven.

The most current firmware is version v0.4. You can download it from the releases at github (the above link) or from here: v0.4 Firmware