
Billow is a 5 button, six note, mellotron in a portable cassette player. It is a simple circuit bend, involving the removal of the motor fine tuning potentiometer and replacing it with an array of pots and buttons. The last pot can be set and with the switch next to it, set to the ‘default’ speed. And so the player can be used as a normal cassette player.

a micro mellotron

It can be purchased from me for 70 euros.

Also features:

  1. FM/AM radio (yeah!)
  2. battery power with two AA batterys
  3. comes with a usb adapter to power of a normal 5 volt phone charger.
  4. works with most tape loop tapes, though not always a and b sides.

a micro mellotron

Pussy Billow

a micro mellotron

a micro mellotron